This weekend at VASCON3, I was in awe at the amount of TALENT and PASSION all the entertainers had for what they do. Amongst them, there were several singers and bands such as Thomas' Apartment and Vudoo Soul. So it got me thinking, why do I have to come to a Vietnamese American conference to hear Asian Americans perform? And why is it that I hear "this is why I'm hot" three times before I get to work? Let's rewind.
A few weeks ago, I read this article: Trying To Crack the Hot 100
For those who don't feel like clicking the link, the article baisically analyzes Asian Americans in the music industry and how we seem to be unable to break that "glass ceiling" into stardom and make it to the radio. Harlem Lee won the NBC's version of American Idol but nobody remembers that. Maybe because it got swept under the rug faster than a stain you're trying to cover up before your in-laws come over. The NY Times seems to feel that the reason being is not that we lack talent or the desire, but rather we have this "Asian thing" going against us. ASIAN THING? Hmm.
Then, I thought WAIT. Every now and then, I watch American Idol. Right now, there's all this controversy about Sanjaya Malakar, the Indian born no-talent laughing-stock who is single-handedly "killing american idol." I know he can't sing, and by no means am I advocating that he should win. However, there is not a lack of talent amongst APIDAs when it comes to musical talent, including singing. Yet the ones who make it past the tens of thousands of eager auditionees and the rigorous and critical eyes of the judges are William Hung and Sanjaya Malakar. Seriously?
Either the process isn't working, or somebody thinks its funny to put William Hung and Sanjaya on national television so that they can help reinfoce the fact that Asian Americans can't sing. Which (per the NY Time's article) is just not true.
So: Is Sanjaya really killing American Idol? Or is American Idol killing the chances that Asian Americans have of breaking that invisible barrier into being taken seriously as performers and artists?