April 07, 2007

Smile, it's not that bad.

Be forewarned. This isn't about a social justice issue or an -ism.

I was walking to campus yesterday on beautiful Guadalupe Street. It had been a long night of drinking and dancing, and I was already late for my first meeting of the day. I just got finished cleaning my glasses off as I was walking. As I'm passing some person on the sidewalk, she looks like at me with disgust, and says, "Smile, it's not that bad."

When I'm walking alone on the street in the morning, it's not very likely I'll be smiling. Especially when you take into account all the factors listed above. Cleaning my glasses isn't a very smile-worthy activity. And I'm not sure why I should smile constantly, or why someone else feels the need to tell me I should.

What really gets me is that the person who told me to smile wasn't smiling.

1 comment:

thegrievances said...

happens to me all the time! -jean