March 24, 2007

PAWS Meetings

PAWS stands for Professional Advocates With Students...or something like that. Either way, it's a more structured form of homeroom. Teachers at my school hate it.

The other day, my supervising teacher gets an IEP (individualized education plan) for a student in her PAWS. An IEP is designed for students with special needs. My teacher is livid. "WHY!? Why do I need to modify my instruction for a student that's in my HOMEROOM?! We don't do anything in there anyway?"

Silently, I considered that she was overreacting. After all, if nothing truly happens in advisory, then modification won't be necessary. Done.

But then it was time for our mandatory PAWS meeting to discuss the plans for the next month. My teacher seeks out the special ed teacher, Phyllis, for advice about this new IEP. Now, I knew Phyllis was a little shady when she casually commented during the meeting, "My juniors are more stupid than my special ed kids!"

And what did Phyllis say to my teacher about having to modify instruction for a student with special needs in her homeroom?


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