February 12, 2007

A Happy Thought

I know this is a place for grievances, but today I got a "Woot Woot" moment. In this business, we stress ourselves out planning, fundraising, publicizing, and hosting. By the time the event finally rolls around, we are tired, strung out...basically over it.

Last year, I was in charge of the Building a Better FoundAsian Conference for high school students. And they came! They came; some fell asleep, some ate a lot of candy, some left sweet feedback surveys, and some did not. Some looked as bored as if they were sitting in American History class halfway through the semester listening to another boring lecture.

I remember one quite clearly. He kept his black leather jacket on all day--prepared to make a run for it at any time. Half asleep, his face lacked any kind of enthusiasm, engagement, or investment in our conference.

Last Thursday, as I'm student teaching juniors in American Lit at Bowie High School, in walks this same young man. Same expression; same jacket. For two days, he sleeps in class and never speaks...until today!

Today, I showed my classes a mini-movie about myself. Afterwards, I asked them to answer questions about me and also to tell me about them... When I finally got to this student's questionnaire--under "Ask me a question"....he writes, "Do you know about BABFA??"

Aly and I definitely failed in publicizing to Bowie High so I am SURE he remembered from last year!!!

I know it's a small thing. Almost undetectable in our busy lives. But for me, today, it's monumental.

-ms. ngo

(p.s. Under "Anything else I should know about you?" He writes, "I'm Vietnamese." Teehee)

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