February 28, 2007

Degrading in all cultures?

I don’t know how we got there, but somehow in a conversation with a student we ended up talking about her ex-boyfriend’s father, who lived in Thailand.

Her: He lives in Thailand.

Me: Oh, is he Thai?

Her: No, he married a Thai woman

Me: Oh (thinking about exotification and sexualization of Asian women already)

Her: Yeah, and I used to talk to him all the time, and they do everything for you, they’ll even wipe your ass.

Me: Huh? You mean the wife?

Her: Yup. He calls his wife into the bathroom to wipe his ass.

Me: Wow. Seriously? That sounds kind of degrading…

Her: It’s not degrading if its in your culture to do it. She’s happy to do it.

Me: Interesting…

(conversation continues with me trying to convince her that ass-wiping is degrading across all cultures…I am unsuccessful.)

How is it not degrading to have to wipe the shit off of your husband’s ignorant white ass? How does that not create dynamics of power, and privilege, when a white person is asking a brown person to kneel down and service you? How does it not create sexism? Clearly the husband is not wiping his wife’s ass…

Damn WPs.

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